Profile PictureCourtney Williams

Satan's top secret book of the dammed, Alphaomega prophecy

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Satan's top secret book of the Damned: End of the world Satan's top secret book of the Damned of how Satan will redeem fallen angels through possessed humans with the mark of the beast 666.

End of the world "Satan's top secret book of the Damned", Paper back regular book edition of this book could be found on this link ebook could also be read on you pc,just scroll to the link above that says"available on these devices" and navigate to "kindle for pc" .It has been brought to the author's attention that some evangelical born again Christians have been offended by the sub title of this book and therefore he will like to inform the public that he is in no way shape or form indorsing the notion that Satan will in fact redeem fallen angels to become once again holy sinless angels. In fact if one will take the time to carefully read the book without premeditated judgmental religious intolerance, they will realize in chapters 10 that indeed the fallen angels will proceed through Satan's own counterfeit redemptive champagne through cursed humans bearing the mark of the Beast 666,but they will succumb to a catastrophic failure in a tragic and surprise turn of events eluding even Satan himself. The short lived redeemed nature of the fallen angels will not resemble who they once were as God's holy angels, but their appearance will be a hybrid arrogant mix between angels and humans,design by Satan to give him complete conceited ultimate worship as the true God he will claim himself to be .This new hybrid species that he will attempt to create and will succeed temporarily , will be a symbol of Satan's ultimate desire in conquering both the physical and spiritual world as the new creator of both realm. This stage is seen in chapters 13 and 14 in the bible's book of revelation and you can see the reason why the judgment of God's wrath upon this hybrid human creature would be so severe. They would not just be mere humans devil worshipers receiving Gods wrath,but they will be the most insidious violation of God's natural universal law of a diabolical unholy mix and the humans bearing the 666 mark will be the recipients of this experiment that will take on a very surprising life of it's own alluding even Satan himself.

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4.0 out of 5 stars Is the Devil Making Us Do It?

Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2014Verified PurchaseIt is not intellectually fashionable today to believe in the actual existence of a devil, but biblical revelation says differently. And for those who believe in the bible, this book may well provide answers for them.I personally believe that the spiritual journey is as unique as our DNA. However, a common spiritual bond between people can make a similar journey all the more supportive and meaningful.

If people are religiously inclined they will find this work both absorbing and interesting. It may even provide hope for those who are disillusioned with this world. Furthermore, it may well lift the spirits of those trying to stay sane in this world of uncertainty.

This is a well written book and I'd recommend it to all of the religious among us. Even as an Agnostic myself, I found the book to be both a captivating and intriguing read. I've always had an interest in religion, so in the `spirit' of fair play, I will give a 4 Star rating.2 people found this helpful


4.0 out of 5 stars Learn the dangers of Farmville, Petville, and Mafia Wars

Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2014If you want to understand how the arts, entertainment, sports, and the internet are being used as a subtle platform for the unleashing of the mark of the beast, you should read “Satan's top secret book of the Dammed.” It is an unfolding Prophecy of an amazing spiritual encounter.
Learn how the bodies of eternally cursed humans are used as a platform for the redemptive Armageddon apocalypse campaign and how much better off Satan will be than the demonic angels that were promised salvation. There is much more, you'll just have to read it to find out.3 people found this helpfulHelpfulReport abuse


5.0 out of 5 stars Incredibly intriguing

Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2014Probably the most provocative book I’ve read in the past several months, Courtney Williams’ ‘Satan’s Top Secret book of the Dammed’ is definitely a jaw-dropping experience—it will reel you in helplessly and make you question all the myths you’ve had comfortably believed in as “facts”, and inspire you to re-examine so many things in your life.

At its heart, the book is a visceral re-examination of what mankind “know” about the Beast, aka Lucifer, and how Satan’s power to deceive has led even well-meaning people not only to worship the False Prophet but also commit unspeakable things in what they mistakenly believe are for the good. What’s more hair-raising is the author’s highly detailed revelation of how Satan has been working behind the scenes to trick people into accepting the Mark of the Beast—and how this whole camapaign waged by Evil has been happening on a global scale.

This book will make you do a double-turn and to take a long hard look at how you live as you try to find out if you haven’t been unwittingly deceived by Lucifer himself. Incredibly intriguing, this is a must-read. Get a copy of this book today and find out how you can save yourself—your loved ones may also need this, so send this book to them as a gift.


5.0 out of 5 stars Prophetic journal of Courtney Williams

Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2014

Satan's top secret book of the Dammed explains how the destiny and quality of our lives are affected by the evil forces all around us. The author talks about the great opportunity that mankind missed when Eve failed the test of obedience by partaking in the fruit and caused mankind to lose a great privilege.

It discusses in detail the mark of the beast, 666, and how it is the most notorious, unsolved mystery of the bible, falling short of the perfect number 7 by one margin. I guarantee that if you read this book, you’ll find information in it that you weren’t aware of before.

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Satan's top secret book of the dammed, Alphaomega prophecy

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